Recent Publications

Smith, Samantha, Danielle Brown, Jelisa Oliveras, Paul Sieswerda, Sean Ahearn, and Diana Reiss. 2022. "Preliminary Study on Humpback Wales Lunge Feeding in the New York Bight." Frontiers in Marine Science, 9.

Dodge, Somayeh, Rongxiang Su, Jasper Johnson, Achara Simcharoen, Konstadinos Goulias, James Smith, and Sean Ahearn. 2021. "ORTEGA: An object-oriented time-geographic analytical approach to trace space-time contact patterns in movement data." Computer, Environment and Urban System, 88, July, 101630.

Ahearn, Sean and Somayeh Dodge. 2018. "Recursive multi-frequency segmentation of movement trajectories (ReMuS)." Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9 (4): April.

Ahearn, Sean, Somayeh Dodge, Achara Simcharoen, Glenn Xavier, and James Smith. 2016. "A context-sensitive correlated random walk: a new simulation model for movement." International Journal of Geographical Information Science .

Ahearn, Sean and Somayeh Dodge. 2016. "Multi-frequency segmentation of movement trajectories." Paper presented at GIScience 2016. September. Montreal, Canada.

Dodge, Somayeh, Robert Weibel, Sean Ahearn, M. Buchin, and Jennifer Miller. 2016. " Analysis of movement data." International Journal of Geographical Information Science,, doi:10.1080/13658816.2015.1132424.

Green, Gordon and Sean Ahearn. 2015. "Modeling forest canopy trends with on-demand spatial simulation (Click here for referenced carsilab/forest web application)." International Journal for Geographic Information Science , 1-15.

Ahearn, S.C. and H.J Ahn. 2013. "Quality Assurance and Potential Applications of a High Density LiDAR Data Set for the City of New York, in submission.".

Ahearn, Sean, Ilknur Icke, Brandon Plewe, Michael DeMere, and Andre Skupin. 2013. "“Re-engineering the Geographic Information System Body of Knowledge”." International Journel for Geographic Information Science, 140, 79 (2): 81-97.

DeMere, Michael, A. Klimaszewski-Patterson, R. Richman, S. Ahearn, B. Plewe, and A. Skupin. 2013. "Toward an Immersive 3D Virtual BoK Exploratorium: A Proof of Concept." Transactions on GIS, 17.

Green, Gordon, C Sean, Ahearn Ni?Meister, and Wenge Ni?Meister. 2013. "A MultiScale Approach to Mapping Canopy Height, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing." American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 79 (2): 185-194. Bethesda, Maryland:

Carney, Ryan, Sean Ahearn, Alan McConchie, C. Glaser, C. Jean, C. Barker, B. Park, K. Padgett, and v. Kramer. 2011. "DYCAST early warning system for West Nile virus." Journal of Emerging Infectious Disease, 17 (8).

Theophilides, C.N, S.C. Ahearn, ES Binkowski, W.S. Paul, and K Gibbs. 2006. "First evidence of West Nile virus amplification cycle and relationship to human infections." International Journal for Geographic Information Science, 20 (1): 103-105.

Ahearn, S.C. and J.L. Smith. 2005. "Modeling the Interaction between Humans and Animals in Multiple-use Forests: A Case Study of Panthera tigris." In GIS, Spatial Analysis, and Modeling. Ed. D. J. Maguire, M. Batty and M. Goodchild. ESRI.

Ding, J, S Ahearn, and E Cooper. 2004. "An Incremental Geographic Update System (IGUS) of a Large Geographic Database: New York City." AGILE, Heracleon, Greece.

Theophilides, CN, SC Ahearn, S Grady, and M Merlino. 2003. "Identifying West Nile Risk Areas: The Dynamic Continuous-Area Space-Time System." American Journal of Epidemiology, 159 (9): 843-854.